Plein Air Painting in Rome: Sunday in the Park with…


  • Level: All Levels

  • Total Learning Hours: 3 hours per session (more or less)

  • Cost: €30

  • Language: English and Italian

  • Instructor: Depends on the day. Please see the schedule.


Join us for a day of Plein Air painting in Villa Borghese in front of the beautiful Tempio di Esculapio!

The instructor depends on the day.  For details, please visit the registration page.

There is a bar for food and drinks with a bathroom close by.

Location / Meeting Point


Terms and Conditions

  • Please register to let us know you are coming
  • Payment of €30 is made at the start of the lesson
  • If it rains, then best to consider the event canceled


Registration is managed through our Course Registration portal.  If you have any difficulties registering, please let us know via email or call/text via WhatsApp: +39 347 263 1033.

If the course that interests you does not appear on our Course Registration portal, it may not currently be offered.  Check the schedule of courses to confirm the dates.

If this course isn't on the schedule, but it interests you, let us know!

Meet the Organizer:
Timothy Joseph Allen

Founder and President of the Association of Social Promotion A.P.S. PADASOR (acronym for the Painting And Drawing Art Studio Of Rome), Timothy Joseph Allen is an American professional painter who has been living and working in Rome, Italy for over twenty years. He began his career in 1992, earning a BA in Studio Art at DePauw University and an MFA in Painting at Indiana University, Bloomington in 1998. He has also been teaching at The American University of Rome since 2006.

His medium is oil on canvas and his style and subject matter are principally inspired by the Renaissance and Baroque. Of special importance to his process is painting from life: “I enjoy painting most when the presence of the subject and the limit of time combine to bring a sense of urgency to my analysis, intuition and performance.”

In recent years his work has been pre-selected and/or selected in several international competitions including the Royal Society of Portrait Painters, the Mod Portrait competition at the MEAM museum in Barcelona, the Figurativas Painting and Sculpture Competition in Barcelona, the World Wide Kitsch online painting competition, and the BP National Gallery Portrait Competition in London.

To understand best what Tim can teach you, please have a look at his paintings and drawings.

If you would like to take private lessons with Tim, please follow this link.

Course Index

Course Availability

If the course that interests you does not appear on our Course Registration portal, it may not currently be offered. Check the Course Registration Portal for dates and availability.

If this course isn’t on the schedule, but it interests you, please let us know!